10 items, 10 outfits - Winter

1 Jewel Lobelia Connie Sweater 2 Chinese Blue Semi Scoop 3/4 3 White & Cherry Stripey Pima Tee 4 Dark Emerald Cosy Cotton V 5 Periwinkle Leopard Millie Jacquard Skirt 6 White Silky Roll Neck 7 Bright Violet Rachel Jacket 8 Pansy Tiger Tabitha Dress 9 Ice Lavender Cashmere Gauze Stole 10 Bright Navy Lambswool Coatigan
Winter is all about high contrast, mixing dark, light and bright for bold looks that harmonise effortlessly. I've opted for the clearest and brightest Winter shades for this mini-capsule, but for a deeper look try swapping in a little more Navy and Pine for a rich sultry look.

To see the outfits for the other seasons, use the links below: