Search Results for "poncho"

Meet our Autumn Ambassador

We put our Autumn Colour Ambassador, Ilka Dunn, 39, a colour consultant for Red Leopard, under the spotlight to find out how she blends Kettlewell with her own personal style and her favourite piece from the new A/W17 collection

Autumn book 3 look 8

How to wear Teal for Winters

Of all the seasons, your range of teals is perhaps the narrowest. Only the very boldest teals work with your skintone and high contrast palette - none of those subdued soft versions here, thank you very much.

How to wear Teal for Springs

You might think that teal is too deep for your light bright Spring palette, but get the shade just right and teal can add a new dimension to so many of your vibrant fresh colours. Rather than being stuck in a world of bright navy and chocolate brown, the right teal can give you a darker shade which acts as a neutral while feeling fresh.

Welcome to Melissa's blog posts

Welcome to my new blog – a chance not only to share with you what goes on behind the scenes at Kettlewell (whether it’s shooting new collection in South Africa or model casting in London)

Combine your Colours

Velvet Scarf & Lulu >

Master your style, whatever your LIFEstyle

Luxe Leggings | Silky Scoop Neck | Mia Long Sweater | Merino Infinity Scarf

Know your neutrals - for Summers

Your season abounds with neutrals. Indeed, the challenge for Summers can often be to bring in your accent colours rather than spending time and energy on neutrals. It's incredibly easy to get stuck in a rut of navy and grey, rather than pairing your beautiful neutrals with the rest of your palette, or experimenting with some of your more unusual neutrals, from Mushroom and Flint to Deep Ocean and Marine Navy.