How to wear navy - Winters

Navy is often considered a neutral, fairly universal colour, but the fact is that there are several different types of navy, and each of those has a palette which pairs most well with it.

Winter has its pick of dark formal neutrals - charcoal grey, black and navy all belong in this palette, but you can't beat a true deep, cool navy for timeless elegance, in my opinion. Somewhat easier on the complexion than black generally is, it can offer an easy alternative, and looks more thoughtful with some of Winter's brightest shades than black does.

Of all four palettes, Winter's navy is the 'real' navy. While Autumns can wear this navy if they need to, and Summers can get away with it as long as the coloured paired with it are chosen carefully, Winter is really where it belongs. Rich, strong and dark, it is easily mistaken for black, never grey, in low lighting.

WORK: Less 'waitress' than black and white, navy and white can offer a formal alternative that looks thoroughly sophisticated. A splash of a third colour, such a bright red lipstick or emerald green statement necklace, can give the contrast that works so well for Winters. If you don't need to go for your most formal option, a neutral navy backdrop with a splash of colour in a cardigan or camisole keeps an office look interesting.

REST: Winter lends itself well to formal dressing, but casual wear can be trickier. Navy can offer a more relaxed looking alternative to black and grey, pairing well with stone or lighter greys for an easy going vibe.

PLAY: Winter's navy can create an elegantly timeless look paired simply with silver accessories.

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